Who Am I?
Greetings, my name is C.K Lee and I am an Elliott Wave Trader and also the creator of this Elliott Wave trading & investing blog.
It is a niche blog with a strong focus on trading the financial markets using the Elliott Wave Principle as the main forecasting & trading system.
Currently residing in Singapore but loves to constantly travel the world to learn new skills and knowledge from advanced traders and investors across the globe.
Academic wise, I completed my double degree in 2 quite diverse fields.
My first degree is in the Bachelor Of Economics, majoring in Statistics.
While my other degree is in the Bachelor of Information Technology, majoring in Information Systems.
Work wise, currently I am a small business owner, running my own graphic design and signage printing business.
Trading wise, I started trading the Forex markets during the last financial crisis in 2008 and expanded into other financial markets such as Stocks, Commodities and Crypto-Currencies.
"Creating Multiple Sources Of Income Is My Own Personal Belief Of Not Placing All Your Eggs In One Basket "
Armed with an entrepreneur mindset, I am constantly on the lookout for new business opportunities to create multiple sources of income that is within my circle of competence.
Purpose Of This Site
Like the majority of all aspiring traders , I began my trading journey with the hope of doubling, tripling or quadrupling my account equity in the shortest possible time.
And like most speculative traders, i was thrust into an emotional roller coaster ride of constant greed and fear, blowing out multiple accounts and losing a ton of hard earned money.
Luckily, I managed to stamp out the bleeding with the acquire of valuable skills learned from some of the best traders and mentors I met through out my trading and investing journey.
For me personally, learning the Elliott Wave Principle and becoming an Elliott Wave Trader was truly the "Eureka" moment for me, a life changer in terms of trading results.
Unlike other high profile traders who may be driving fancy cars and living the high life, I am just a regular guy in the street.
But one with a determined purpose to generate a secondary source of income from trading the financial markets using what I learned from the Elliott Wave Theory.
I may not be making millions every year but at least I am gradually increasing my account equity steadily albeit on a part-time basis.
"The More You Share, The More You Learn"
And along my trading journey, many friends from other investing circles began to ask me about my use of the Elliott Wave Principle in both my trading and investing endeavors.
And this is why and what this blog is created for, to share and discuss the Elliott Wave Strategies in both the trading and investing realms.
Although I swear by as an true blue Elliott Wave Trader, the aim of this blog is NOT to present speculative trading setups but to share how we find potential trading opportunities based on the Elliott Wave Theory.
My Mentors
Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
And in my book, anyone who keeps sharing stays even younger.
Spoon feeding information does not entail to proper learning.
And all my trading mentors love to quote this age old Lao Tzu saying.
“Give A Man A Fish And You Feed Him For A Day. Teach Him How To Fish And You Feed Him For A Lifetime”.
We all know that Rome isn't built in one day and trading is a lifelong skill that takes both time and experience to cultivate.
Technically speaking, trading is "Simple".
In theory, it is just plain buying or selling of a financial asset.
But in reality, it is conflict of emotions, definitely not "Easy" in my book.
In my book, having an experienced mentor to guide you on your trading endeavors will surely shorten your learning curve.
And over the last decade or more, I have attended numerous trading and investing courses both local and abroad.
Constantly learning and honing my trading and investing skills from great mentors like Kathy Lien, Boris Schlossberg, Ed Ponsi, Ian Copsey, Gabriel Yap, Prof Sarjit Singh, Prof James Leong, Thomas Saw, Dr. Foo Loon Sung etc.
And through the use of this blog, I hope to share and discuss what I learned with my friends, fellow traders and investors.
Complimentary Elliott Wave Cheat Sheet !
If you are thinking of becoming an Elliott Wave Trader but is still struggling with achieving favorable results in your trading and investing endeavors using the Elliott Wave Principle , then you'll might want to start by downloading my "FREE" Elliott Wave Cheat Sheet that will hopefully help you get started on the right track.